TK threw an object to stun an enemy
Navigated Loboto's Labyrinth
Received your first assignment
Made a connection in Hollis' Classroom
Shut Down the Luctopus
Cooled Hollis' Hot Streak
Visited the Collective Unconscious
Repaired Ford Fractured
Plated Compton's Cookoff
Completed PSI King's Sensorium
Treated Ford's Follicles
Bowled Strike City
Delivered Cruller's Correspondence
Raided the Tomb of the Sharkophagus
Discovered the Astralathe
Perused Cassie's Collection
Emptied Bob's Bottles
Soothed Lucrecia's Lament
Frequented Fatherland Follies
Dissolved the Deluge of Grulovia
Found the Family Camp
Helped Dion Setup Aquatodome
Completed Queepie Quest
Completed Gisu's Psychoseismometer Quest
Completed Lili's Request
Achieved Rank 2
Achieved Rank 10
Achieved Rank 50
Achieved Rank 100
Upgraded your first Badge
Fully upgraded a Badge
Acquired all Upgrades
Cracked all Vaults
Found all Figments
Tagged all Emotional Baggage
Equipped your first Pin
Equipped 3 Pins at once
Purchased all Pins
Recovered your mental energy with a Dream Fluff
Upgraded to the Astral Wallet
Maxed out your Dream Fluff capacity
Maxed out your PSI Pop capacity
Purchased all Otto Shot Filters
Took a photo with the Otto Shot
Tuned in to a Stray Thought
Completely filled your Astral Wallet
Consumed a PSI Pop to restore some mental energy
Combined PSI Cards with a PSI Core at the Otto-Matic
Threw a Judge's gavel back at him
Found the real Panic Attack during his Phantom attack
Threw a Regret's anvil at another enemy
Pyro'd 3 enemies at once
Talked to Milla in her Office
Revisited a brain through the Collective Unconsious
Broke all 3 Gramaphones in Fatherland Follies
Returned to where it all started